Mental health can have different meanings depending on one’s culture, family, or previous experiences. In the United States, mental health includes all aspects of an individual’s emotional well-being, such as how we manage stress, how we interact with others, or how our minds and bodies feel. Mental health concerns can range from not sleeping at night to grieving the loss of a loved one, feeling scared for no reason, or increased stress at work or at home. In the United States, it has become more common for people to discuss their mental health concerns and seek support. 


Mental Health Care at Home

For some, mental health care is done at home and throughout the day. For example, going for a walk outside to take a break from work stress; talking to a friend or family member about a problem that is bothering them; getting a good night's sleep to rest their body and mind; or even taking a deep breath. These can all improve mental health. 


Doctor or Counselor Support

Mental health care for others may require professional support at a doctor’s office or with a counselor, often called outpatient treatment. In the United States, there are many options to find support to improve well-being. This can be a visit to your primary care doctor for medication to reduce stress or improve your mood. This can also be meeting with a counselor individually or as a family to learn techniques to cope with specific issues or problems.  


Support Groups

Another common form of support comes from support groups made up of individuals with similar backgrounds or concerns, such as a grief support group. Groups provide both the benefit of learning new skills and meeting others with shared experiences. Some groups can even be attended online. 



Mental health care for a small percentage of individuals includes hospitalization or inpatient treatment. Inpatient treatment is generally only required when someone has complex mental health symptoms or concerns that could impact their safety or someone else’s safety. If you ever feel that you are someone you know is in danger due to their mental health, you can call 9-8-8 from anywhere in the United States for immediate support in English and many other languages. 


Mental Health has impacts beyond the individual – it often affects families and communities. Improving your mental health can improve the well-being of those around you such as children, family, and community members. Talking about and prioritizing your mental health is one way to help you reach your goals for your life here in the US.  


It can be overwhelming to know how to start caring for your mental health, especially if the idea is new to you or your family. One option is to talk to your primary care doctor. You can also look up mental health supports in your area through